Biotech Week Boston
Ginkgo Bioworks

Art Direction
Experience Design
Graphic Design

The transformative effect that AI will have on biological engineering can be hard to visualize. Data is the essential resource that powers machine learning applications and biological data has always been one of Ginkgo’s strengths and a key differentiator—but what does all this data look like and what does it mean for our customers?

To explore the above we designed a multi-layered Data Exhibit that connects the dots between our combinatorial problem-solving skills and what makes Ginkgo’s platform unique in the pharma space. The exhibit is organized to showcase five key service categories: Enzymes for API manufacturing, AAV for gene therapy, Circular RNA-based therapeutics, Cell therapy, and Biologics.

The exhibit included pop-up scientific posters, immersive elements, floor-to-ceiling decals and custom printed draperies to activate the exhibit path and illustrate the profundity of Ginkgo's biological data, culture posters, and a colossal graphic representation of 500,000 engineered microbial strains in Ginkgo's Codebase.

Pop-up poster display along tour path
Strain lineage data installation

One of five sets of posters presented
