Ginkgo Datapoints
Ginkgo Bioworks

Brand Design
Art Direction
Presentation Design

Ginkgo Datapoints is a B2B tools provider that makes training AI models for biology easy by supplying customers with large biological datasets. I designed a visual identity to establish Ginkgo Datapoints as an innovative, daring, and frictionless B2B tools provider for drug development companies. Over two weeks time I worked with the Datapoints team to learn about their business goals, audience, products, and motivations. With this information I created brand guidelines with new typography, color, logo, imagery, social media posts, and a versatile presentation template.The results were a visual identity that would set them apart from Ginkgo Bioworks' Cell Engineering Solutions and establish them as a cutting-edge data provider to drug development audiences.


What does it look like to release the data bottleneck that's holding back AI in biology?

The visual ID employs rectilinear, straightforward, and spacious visual cues to reinforce Ginkgo Datapoints' core values of excellence and frictionlessness, while narrative line work communicates a daring and data-driven approach to digital biology.

Branding the products

Datapoints launched in September 2024 with two flagship products: Functional Genomics and Antibody Developability.

I created distinct visual styles within the Datapoints brand to help customers immediately discern between the various data products and to get a sense for the basis of each offering. This system was designed to be flexible and account for a future product launches; each product receives its own color and line motif.

Establishing a Ginkgo Branded House

Ginkgo Datapoints needed to set itself apart from Ginkgo's Cell Engineering Solutions business and thus needed a new logo. I iterated on many options—big changes, little changes, lockup systems, typeface swaps, and icon substitutions. Ultimately, what felt most right was a Branded House approach (as opposed to creating a Ginkgo House of Brands) which allowed Datapoints to capitalize on the existing brand equity of Ginkgo's mark, which has gained strength over time.

Moving to a cooler, more digital color palette

Ginkgo Bioworks' use of color is bold, playful, and friendly—too laid back for the cutting edge data generation capabilities of Ginkgo Datapoints. I designed a color palette for the digital biology era, swapping the existing warm and wild tones with cooler, smoother alternatives.

A tech-forward typographic system

Ginkgo Bioworks' typefaces, Sofia Pro, Ivy Presto, and URW DIN were perfectly suited to introduce synthetic biology to the masses during our IPO in 2021, but less fitting for a matured brand with refined offerings and a distinct audience. I designed a new typographic system for Ginkgo Datapoints with fonts better suited for a cutting-edge tech company.
